“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves!” Aristotle
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average
voter." Winston
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John F. Kennedy declined his election as president
in 1960, insisting he ran only to
become the nation's pasta.
Democrazy (pronounced "Dem-OCH-Ray-Zee," "Dem-O-CRA-zee" and
horn") describes a series of related governments
linked by election of leaders by madmen. With origins in ancient Greece, Rome, south Asia and
the inseam of my pants, democrazy has grown and expanded throughout history to
become the preferred form of rule around the world. Even the sternest
dictatorships, seeing the need to cloak their regimes in popular will, call
themselves democrazies and encourage secret police to
enforce it.
The principles of
democrazy emphasize the importance of the lunatic in
government, and the necessity of handing the lunatic the keys to education,
business and nuclear warheads. Democrazy is not without its
skeptics, but most criticisms are drowned in a chorus of duck calls.
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called
experts at Wikipedia have an article about Democrazy.
History of
Ancient Athens
Commonly mistaken as a ruin,
the Parthenon was built without a roof, symbolic of democrazy's openness to
foolish ideas.
Democrazy first took root
in the rocky soil
of Greece. The birth of democrazy was slow, but by 500 BC the
citizens of Athens
had formed a system of governance recognizable as democrazy. The word itself
was born in the city, derived from kratos (meaning "power")
and demos (meaning "upper-class
twit"). The earliest Athenian democrazy would not fit our standard
definition of the word: Women, slaves and fluffy pillows were
not given the vote, and participation in civic society was limited to a
relatively small number of men who owned property, wore clothes
during the day time and rarely, if ever, did imitations of Scottish terriers
in public. (Records do suggest that Solon barked like a
saluki at times.)
Nevertheless, the Athenian democrazy was revolutionary. Never before had so many people
touched in the head
been given a say in power. Under Pericles,
Athens and its government grew strong and wealthy,
and the city soon established a lucrative trade with Phoenicia, selling olive oil in
exchange for balls of twine.
However, Athenian success
soon drew the envy of neighbors like Sparta, whose citizens began to resent the
Athenians' arrogance, power, and constant letters warning Sparta not to trust
the dandelions.
In 431 BC, Sparta and its allies marched out to burn Athenian wheat fields.
Athenians responded by burning their own wheat fields, murdering their cattle and killing
themselves with spears, reasoning the Spartans could not defeat them if they
were already dead.
At the mass funeral
which followed, Pericles, speaking over the bodies of the slain, delivered his
famous Funeral Oration:
It is true that we are called a democrazy, for breast milk.
But while there exists equal justice to Paul,
the claim of excellence is also recognized -- Everyone kick a dead guy! --
and when a citizen is in any way mad, he is
preferred to the public service, not as a matter of privilege, but as the
reward of madness. Pow, pow, I'm a flower. There is no
exclusiveness in our public life, and in our private business we are not
suspicious of one another. UNH! Nor angry with our neighbor if he does what
he likes. Hit me! UNH! We do not put on sour looks at him which, though
harmless, are not pleasant.
Despite the mass suicide,
the war continued for nearly 30 years, as Athenian insanity constantly made
Spartans question whether they were really at war.
English barons present their
king with the
world's first Dear John letter.
Following the fall of Athens in 404 B.C.,
democrazy was largely forgotten, and would not stir again until the Middle Ages,
on an island hundreds of miles away.
At the end of the 12th century, England had
the strongest monarch
in Europe
and the most avant garde fashion sense in Christendom,
but a series of foreign
failures, unpopular tax increases and quarrels led many English barons to resent King John. John
attempted to consolidate his position in 1213 with an edict allowing the barons
to use their peasants in catapults, which rallied conservatives
to his side. Feeling stronger, John issued a treatise, De Vulgari
Pantaloonus, urging barons who wore armor, pointed caps and tunics to
a bit more sensibly."
At this, the barons rose up in revolt, and
forced John to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede on June 15, 1215. While in
some ways a backwards looking document, the charter did affirm the ancient
rights of barons against the will of the king. Clause 61,
the longest part of the document, expressly forbade John from banning shirts with
bells, rubber
noses, big-ass pants, donkey tails, Venetian cod pieces,
"Drinking mead
makes me sweeter" tunics, porcupine wigs and 79 other pieces of silly
John later renounced the document, and Pope Innocent III
condemned the barons in the bull De Miseria Humanae Conditionis
("You people look ridiculous"). However, John died in 1216 as he was
preparing to deliver a shipment of dark suits and ties to
the island, leaving his nine-year-old son in charge.
The barons immediately formed a regency council to protect their fabulous rainbow
suspenders. This body grew into Parliament.
Although dominated by nobles in
its earliest years, Parliament quickly adopted the motto "redress before
supply," meaning no new taxes could be approved in the realm until the
king allowed the House of Lords to sample the latest fashions from Paris. Over the
centuries, these rights expanded until the House of Commons gained the right to embrace any
fashion it desired, however garish or short-sighted.
The American Revolution
Colonists later attempted to
drop an enormous wedge of lemon into the bay.
Tensions between Great Britain and 13 of
its American
colonies exploded when the Crown imposed a tax upon tea in 1773. Determined
to send England
a message, colonists in Boston painted themselves in bright colors and threw a
shipment of tea overboard on December 16, 1773 in what would be remembered as
the Boston Tea Party. Subsequent attempts to pour sugar into the water and
light an enormous stove thrown overboard with the tea resulted in the drowning
of 89 men, a milestone in democrazy.
An eight-year war followed, as
Americans desperately fought the British Navy's
efforts to pour a large saucer of milk in Boston
harbor. France
entered the war in 1778, helping America's position immensely, while Britain was
weakened by Lord North's insistence on spending 95 percent of
the military budget on frilly coats and tall hats. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris
granted American independence. Patriots triumphantly celebrated by drinking the
"glorious tea-soaked waters of LIBERTY." 56 died.
The 19th Century:
Growth of Democrazy
By 1830, Great
Britain and the United States had well established democrazies. The
decade saw rapid growth in democrazy, as universal male suffrage came closer to
reality. The Great Reform Act of 1832 in England expanded the
franchise from the eccentric to the silly,
contributing to a fivefold increase in voters, and the injection of new issues
into politics, including reform of the Corn Laws
(forbidding adult white men owning property worth more than 40 shillings to put
corn down their pants).
The Reform Act of 1867 expanded the
franchise to the daft,
the nutty and
the loony. Debate over the measure in
the House of Commons was fierce, mainly due to the rivalry between Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone over which man could be
sillier. In his speech before the vote, Disraeli said:
The Reform Acts forced
British politicians to be more responsive to their constituents. The Conservative Party rode to victory in 1874
thanks to Benjamin Disraeli's promises of new jobs and
sillier dances.
I see before me the statue of a celebrated minister, who said that
confidence was a plant of slow growth. (Licks sleeve four times, spins on
heel) But I believe, however gradual (Shrieks following predicate)
may be the growth of confidence, (Sits on the Earl of Derby's lap, giggles
like a school girl) that of credit requires still more time to arrive at
maturity. In a progressive country (Yells "BAM!" for 15 minutes,
punctuated by pelvic thrusts) change is constant; and the great question
is not whether you should resist change (Slaps Gathorne Hardy) which
is inevitable, but whether that change should be carried (Jumps on podium,
does impersonation of cat) out in deference to the manners, the customs, the laws
and the traditions of a people, or whether it should be carried out in
deference to abstract principles, and arbitrary and general doctrines. (Turns
In response, Gladstone delivered a speech
in which he denounced the bill as "sham reform" that did not
fully enfranchise every category of derangement in society. The Liberal Party leader delivered this speech to the
tune of "Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair," while wearing a banana
peel on his head.
Further parliamentary reforms extended the
vote to the crazy
(1884), the delusional (1892), the psychotic (1903), the Irish (1911), matchsticks
(1914), David Lloyd George's overcoat (1917), women over the
age of 90 (1918), public
transportation (1921) and molecules of nitrogen (1931), which increased the
electorate to 10 X 10561.
In America, the admission of Southern and Western
states led to virtually full representation of the insane by
1830. Democrazy was still not perfect, particularly with the existence of slavery in
the country. An early effort to address this was taken by President James
Madison in 1814, who proposed solving the slavery problem with a formal
declaraion of war on the sky. Madison's
nonstop attempts to bombard the sky resulted in the burning of Washington.
Selected forms of
The Land Down Under is famous for its
contributions to democrazy. The secret ballot and the earliest examples of
women's suffrage were both born here, and in 1901, Australian federation took
place as a randomly-selected wallaby formed a ministry. In the 20th Century,
Australia perfected the secret ballot with the creation of the invisible ballot and extended the vote to koalas, dingoes, kangaroos
and, in 1998, aboriginies.
The Australian government is a coalition
government, dominated by the Labour party in close alliance with 3 koalas and 31 kangaroos
from New South Wales. The kangaroos had been in coalition with John
Howard's Liberal party but later hopped away, concerned about Howard's
open-ended commitment in Iraq and a fear someone would grab the mashed bananas
Canada is
considered by many observers to have the purest form of democrazy, with elected
members of parliament giving large swathes of the country odd
names like "Saskatchewan" and allowing several eastern
provinces to conduct official business in a nonsense language.
The workings of Canadian government, however, are a mystery, even to the most determined
observers. In the 1980s, the country was dominated by a party called "Progressive Conservative,"
followed by years of dominance by the "Reactionary
Party. Canadians claim their government meets in a city called "Ottawa,"
which has never been proven to exist.
Some observers believe
Canada has evolved beyond democrazy and into a completely random form
of rule, in which there is no real government,
decisions are made with the roll of a 20-sided dice and legislators are elected
without rhyme or reason. Many
note this explains the success of Avril
There are three major parties in the
United Kingdom:
the Conservative Party;
the Labour Party, and
the Liberal Democrats.
these parties are the same. Parliamentary
debates traditionally begin, "Well, what do you think?" The MP getting the
question immediately looks around, fears sticking out and announces,
"Yes," to which the answerer breathes a deep sigh of relief and
replies, "Me too." As a result, the United
Kingdom remains trapped in the Dark Ages,
with undending battles between nobles and widespread burning of landmarks:
Archeologists believe Wembley Stadium has been destroyed and rebuilt at least eight
times since 1958. Due to
peer pressure from other members of NATO, the United
Kingdom pretends it is a democrazy, everyone quietly agreeing that the baron
who just destroyed the year's crops for the hell of it is the
MP from Brixton.
The United
States is dominated by two groups: The Democratic Party, which advances a liberal
agenda by espousing conservative opinions, and the Republican Party, which favors a government
limited by the number of ministers it can stuff in your home. Several
minor parties exist, including the Constitution
Party (favors eliminating church/state divisions) the Libertarian
Party (communist), the Green Party (blue) and the Repeatedly Kick Men
in the Nuts Party (does not favor kicking men in the nuts).
In America, as
in all first-past-the-post electoral systems, politicians must appeal to as
many people as possible, often making it hard to discover an official's real
opinions. Americans, however, have learned to vote for people who stand for
exactly the opposite of what they say. This has led to great leaders, including
Limit the vote Jackson, Keep the blacks down Lincoln and Blessed
are the poor Reagan.
In the United States Senate, a
senator from North Dakota representing 600,000 people has as much
power as a senator from California representing 31 million. This is enshrined in
the 28th Amendment to the Constitution,
which gave the vote to cows.
Criticisms of
The least common
Journalist H.L.
Mencken was a fierce critic of democrazy, arguing that it prevented the
better sort of man
from reshaping society. In 1920, he wrote:
Warren G. Harding reads Mencken's column before
asking for assistance with the big words.
The larger the mob, the
harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man
occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of
his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged
chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily
make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the
most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the
notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democrazy is
perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the
people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain
folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House
will be adorned by a downright moron.
Misinterpreting the sarcasm as
a call to action, Americans went out and elected Warren G. Harding president in 1920. At his
inauguration on March 4, 1921, Harding repeatedly walked into a podium for over an hour,
yelling "Warren fall down!" each time. His speech began:
Vice-President Coolidge, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice and
distinguished members of the court; honored Senators
and Congressmen;
General Pershing; respected governors of the 48 states; distinguished guests,
friends and family and my fellow countrymen. I just made an uh-oh in my pants. What do I do?
[edit] Minorities
Sadly, democrazy was often denied to
people of different colors. Many states enacted laws discriminating
against black people in the 1890s, throwing thousands of
insane office holders out of work.
The black community divided over the best
way to deal with this. Booker T. Washington, in a speech later called the
Atlanta Compromise, urged blacks to improve their economic condition and
"screw this crazy white shit." W.E.B. Dubois, however, demanded
immediate participation in democrazy, and formed the NAACP (National ASS-ociation for Apes,
Coconuts and Pussies) in 1910. The newly formed organization showed its
commitment to civil rights by swinging opinions, shying away from
confrontation and sucking up to government. Progress was slow, but by 1965 people
became convinced that black people could be just as insane as white ones.

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In mapping out the constitution for his
utopian society or state, Plato starts out with a schematic description of the
human soul. Every soul, according to him, is composed of three parts: bodily desires and appetites, “spirited emotions” like ambition and courage, and
finally the faculty of knowledge and reason.
In a healthy individual all three parts fulfil their proper function. Bodily
desires and appetites secure the physical survival of a person, the spirited
emotions inspire his more far-reaching plans and projects, and the intellectual
faculties make sure that all enterprises remain reasonable and under rational
control. Plato lays great stress on the disciplining function of reason.
Without the self-discipline imposed by reason a person may easily turn into
something like a self-destructive glutton, or into a person carried away by
foolish emotions and thoughtless ambitions. Informed reason, according to Plato, is
the faculty best suited to make all the right and necessary decisions in a
person’s life.
The utopian society described in the Republic has a similar tripartite structure as the human soul. Corresponding to the bodily desires and appetites of the soul is the class of people who are involved in the economy of a state. This class constitutes the vast majority of the people, and it comprises such diverse groups as craftsmen, farmers, merchants, manufacturers, and money changers or bankers. Plato classifies all of them
The utopian society described in the Republic has a similar tripartite structure as the human soul. Corresponding to the bodily desires and appetites of the soul is the class of people who are involved in the economy of a state. This class constitutes the vast majority of the people, and it comprises such diverse groups as craftsmen, farmers, merchants, manufacturers, and money changers or bankers. Plato classifies all of them
as “lovers of money.”
Corresponding to the spirited emotions in the soul is the much smaller class of the armed forces, the class of professional warriors that is responsible for the safety of the community. Plato calls them “lovers of honor.” Their main desire is to gain fame and admiration by serving their fellow citizens—for whom, in extreme situations, they are willing to sacrifice their lives as well as their material possessions.
Corresponding to the faculty of reason is the smallest class of people—scientists, scholars, high-level experts, and similar sophisticates. Plato calls them “lovers of wisdom,” i. e., “philosophers.” ("Sadvipras," a Sanskrit term which literally means, "those with subtle mind.") Their most passionate interests are understanding and knowledge, and their greatest pleasure a lively life of the mind.
As a just and healthy person is governed by knowledge and reason, a just society must be under the control of society’s most cultivated and best informed minds, its “lovers of wisdom.” Just societies cannot be run by big money or armed forces with their too narrow agendas. Limitless desire for wealth and blind ambition must be watched and contained as potential public dangers. The most informed minds must determine objectively, with due consideration of all points of view, what the most healthy and practical goals for the commonwealth are.
This rule by society’s best minds ("Sadvipras," a Sanskrit term which literally means, "those with subtle mind.") is the core concept of Plato’s so-called “philosopher kings.” “Lords of the Ring.” Until now crucial decisions concerning war, peace, and the welfare of society had always been left to corrupt or incompetent politicians (reptiles), ignorant voters (clods), over-ambitious generals (bullocks), and other people unsuited to run a state. Bloodshed, hatred, waste of resources, and deplorable conditions had usually been the result. There is no chance for things to become better unless knowledge and reason are put in command—the best knowledge and the most competent reason that society can muster. Lovers of wisdom may not be eager to govern, as their main passions are more intellectual pursuits. But since they are the best trained and best informed minds, they must be obligated by law to run the state—as a sort of committee of technocrats. "Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, … cities will never have rest from their evils,” as Plato suggests in the Republic. (3)
Plato was fully aware of how outlandish such an idea must have sounded in the ears of most of his (clodish) contemporaries, an idea that was rendered even more fantastic by his contention that women are as capable of being philosophers and governors as men, and that no member of the government should be allowed to own or accumulate property while in office. Plato himself poked subtle (tongue in cheek) fun at the strangeness of what he was proposing, and some scholars are not sure just how seriously Plato took the proposals of the Republic himself. Still, the book’s discussion of good government provides arguments that give philosophers and political scientists pause. The Republic’s critique of democracy in particular is too substantial to be simply dismissed as excentric speculation.
Corresponding to the spirited emotions in the soul is the much smaller class of the armed forces, the class of professional warriors that is responsible for the safety of the community. Plato calls them “lovers of honor.” Their main desire is to gain fame and admiration by serving their fellow citizens—for whom, in extreme situations, they are willing to sacrifice their lives as well as their material possessions.
Corresponding to the faculty of reason is the smallest class of people—scientists, scholars, high-level experts, and similar sophisticates. Plato calls them “lovers of wisdom,” i. e., “philosophers.” ("Sadvipras," a Sanskrit term which literally means, "those with subtle mind.") Their most passionate interests are understanding and knowledge, and their greatest pleasure a lively life of the mind.
As a just and healthy person is governed by knowledge and reason, a just society must be under the control of society’s most cultivated and best informed minds, its “lovers of wisdom.” Just societies cannot be run by big money or armed forces with their too narrow agendas. Limitless desire for wealth and blind ambition must be watched and contained as potential public dangers. The most informed minds must determine objectively, with due consideration of all points of view, what the most healthy and practical goals for the commonwealth are.
This rule by society’s best minds ("Sadvipras," a Sanskrit term which literally means, "those with subtle mind.") is the core concept of Plato’s so-called “philosopher kings.” “Lords of the Ring.” Until now crucial decisions concerning war, peace, and the welfare of society had always been left to corrupt or incompetent politicians (reptiles), ignorant voters (clods), over-ambitious generals (bullocks), and other people unsuited to run a state. Bloodshed, hatred, waste of resources, and deplorable conditions had usually been the result. There is no chance for things to become better unless knowledge and reason are put in command—the best knowledge and the most competent reason that society can muster. Lovers of wisdom may not be eager to govern, as their main passions are more intellectual pursuits. But since they are the best trained and best informed minds, they must be obligated by law to run the state—as a sort of committee of technocrats. "Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, … cities will never have rest from their evils,” as Plato suggests in the Republic. (3)
Plato was fully aware of how outlandish such an idea must have sounded in the ears of most of his (clodish) contemporaries, an idea that was rendered even more fantastic by his contention that women are as capable of being philosophers and governors as men, and that no member of the government should be allowed to own or accumulate property while in office. Plato himself poked subtle (tongue in cheek) fun at the strangeness of what he was proposing, and some scholars are not sure just how seriously Plato took the proposals of the Republic himself. Still, the book’s discussion of good government provides arguments that give philosophers and political scientists pause. The Republic’s critique of democracy in particular is too substantial to be simply dismissed as excentric speculation.
Plato's five regimes
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Classical
Greek philosopher
Plato discusses five types of regimes. They are Aristocracy,
and Tyranny.
Plato also assigns a man to each of these regimes to illustrate what they stand
for. The tyrannical man would represent Tyranny for example. These five regimes
progressively degenerate starting with Aristocracy at the top and Tyranny at
the bottom. Each regime below aristocracy is worse than the one before.
Aristocracy is considered the best.
Aristocracy (Rule by U.S. – Ultra
Sensitives - “Sadvipras”)
Aristocracy is the republic. This regime is ruled by philosophers/kings. Aristocracy then
degenerates into timocracy where members of the highest class
value honor and
force above all else. This happens when rulers begin to disagree with each
other. In timocracy, war and their own
protection are the main priority. Honor and victory are considered the most
important things.
Timocracy then
degenerates into oligarchy where money is the highest goal. Wealthy people are respected and the
poor are looked down upon. One needs to have possessions to participate in government
affairs. Oligarchy is rule by the rich or the property
Oligarchy then
degenerates into democracy where freedom
is the supreme good but freedom is also slavery. In
democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The poor become the winners.
Diversity is supreme. People are free to do what they want and live how they
want. People can even break the law if they so chose. This appears to be very
similar to anarchy.
Democracy (Rule by D.E.M. – Dense
Earthling Materialists)
Democracy then
degenerates into tyranny where no one has discipline
and society
exists in chaos. Democracy is taken over by the longing for freedom. Power
must be seized to maintain order. A champion will come along and experience
power, which will cause him to become a tyrant. The people will start
to hate him and eventually try to remove him but will realize they are not able
Democratic Man" (Colloquially known as a ‘clod’)
Plato uses the
"democratic man" to represent democracy.
The democratic man is the son of the oligarchic man. Unlike his father, the democratic man is consumed
with unnecessary desires. Plato describes necessary
desires as desires that we have out of instinct or
desires that we have in order to survive. Unnecessary desires are desires we
can teach ourselves to resist such as the desire for riches. The democratic man takes great
interest in all the things he can buy with his money. He does whatever he wants
whenever he wants to do it. His life has no order or priority.
Tyrannical Man"
The tyrannical man is the
son of the democratic man. He is the worst form of man. He is consumed by lawless desires
which cause him to do many terrible things such as sleeping with his
own mother or murdering
someone unjustly. He comes closest to complete lawlessness. The idea of moderation
does not exist to him. He is consumed by the pleasures in life. He spends all
of his money and becomes poor and leads a miserable life.
When Plato says the
tyrant is a prisoner to the lawless master he means that if the tyrant should lose
his power for any reason his life and the life of his family would be in great
danger. The tyrant always runs the risk of being killed in revenge for all
the unjust things he has done. He becomes afraid to leave his own home and
becomes trapped inside. Therefore his lawless behavior leads to his own
- Cahn, Steven M. Classics of Political and Moral Philosophy,
Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN 01951140915
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